Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mack's 8th birthday

Happy Birthday to my sweet baby girl. You are growing up so fast! Where did time go? Well, I can say this was the best 8 years of my life. I wouldn't change it for anything.

For Mack's Birthday we spent it in New Jersey, with her Mimi, and we did another small birthday here at the house with Josh. It was a great day. Daddy let the girls help make the cake, and he made dinner, the one she wanted. It was chicken fingers, mashed potatoes, and ravioli. LOL Kids are so funny. The simplest of things make them happy. She got some wonderful gifts, but her favorite 2 was her BunnyBoo that Mimi got her from Build-A-Bear, and her Bratz Twinz the Aunt Susan got her. But she loved all her gifts. We thank everyone for the presents. We love all of our family, and we know how much they love us.

Oh, to be a kid again opening presents. The excitement of my girls brings so much joy to my heart. I just wish we were home to share it with everyone at our big birthday bashes we use to have. Soon we will be home, and it will be time to celebrate.

The girls and I miss you all, and love you. Take care.
Love always,
Elisa, Mack, Bean, and Livie

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