Monday, September 14, 2009

Hello to the world. Sorry its been so long since an update, but I have been to busy or just to lazy to write. What can I say? Anyways, all is going pretty good. The girls are back in school and doing well. Mack is in 3rd grade, Willa is in 1st grade, and Livie started pre-K. That was horrible. I sat in the parking lot and cried on her first day. I felt like I couldn't breathe. My baby was starting school. But now I am okay with it. Some days I still want to keep her home with me, but I can't. So while they are off at school, I started school. I'm only taking one class because I can't afford more than that, but at least I am back in the game. LOL I have also find a wonderful man that I plan on marrying. His name is Lamin and he is from Gambia, Africa. We are even considering a move to Gambia. I'm sure alot of ya'll will flip out, but I am not just jumping into this decision with out thinking it out completely. But I like how they are family oriented, and social statuses are not as important as they are here. Another plus is the fact that the food is much healthier because it isn't pumped full of chemicals. Lamin's gonna teach the girls to garden, so they can grow and eat their own foods. The girls are really looking forward to that. I want my girls to see other places and hope that it betters them as humans, and that they can learn to live life to the fullest and to know life isn't all about what you own. People may or may not agree with my choices, but the good thing about it is, its my life, and they are my girls. I will always do what I think will be best for my girls, and never put them at risk. I think they will truly benefit from a change in life. I can honestly say I am lucky because Josh is cool with my decisions, and is looking forward to visiting us were ever we go. Another plus to a move is the fact that it is a warmer climate, I can benefit health wise. Here in the crazy Oklahoman weather, I suffer alot physically due to my arthritis. So I am looking forward to having alot of good days, physically so that I can spend more good days doing more things with my girls. I also plan to home school so that the girls can stay on the American educational standard. I can honestly say that isn't the only place I want to live. I'm really thinking of living in the Philippines for a couple years, and maybe even Paraguay, South America. Who knows where all we'll go? I want to see the world and experience new places, and share new experiences with my girls. We aren't like most people, we like to travel and see new things. Yes, we may be crazy, but we are gonna be having crazy fun. I may change my mind and move to Antarctica, who knows? So until I actually get to where I want to go next, me and the girls are gonna live life and enjoy it. The other day we went to Chuck E Cheese just for the hell of it and spent like 4 hours there just having a blast. I love my girls, and want them to have the best life can give them. As a parent, you always hope you are making the right choices for you kids, and you always hope you aren't gonna screw them up, but when I see them smile, or hear them tell me how much they love me and to listen to them tell me what their favorite part was, or how much fun they had, I know I'm doing a great job. I also do my best to include them in decisions, which helps me to make what I believe to be the right choices. So only time will tell. Anyways, I'll keep ya'll posted. When I get more time I'll add more pics.